Membership Requirements
The Order is open by invitation only to baptized Christian men and women after the completion of conditional acceptance, with Postulancy following. The Statutes of OPCCTS provide that the absolute minimum age for entry as a fully-Accoladed Knight or Dame is Thirty (30) years of age. However, we offer the non-Accoladed Serving Brother/Sister positions for ages 18 to 29, with the exception of special cases as determined by the Order's Administration. We believe the age of 30 is a more realistic age for entry, as that age or older lends itself more toward the mature acceptance of the responsibilities of Knighthood or Damehood. We are not in any way associated with any Masonic Order.
Admission Policies
As a chavalric/religious order, OPCCTS does not typically admit persons who are already invested in another Chivalric Order. Just as in ancient times, it was not believed that someone can swear fealty to two Kings, two nations, etc., one cannot swear fealty to two orders of Chivalry. If you feel that we should make an exception to that practice, please explain with your application. In addition, OPCCTS does not recognize titles of nobility that are conferred by non-legitimate sources (other than bestowed by recognized monarchs or inherited from legitimate famillial nobility). We also do not recognize any honorary or other degrees conferred by non-accredited institutions of higher learning. The basis for approach to the order is humility, service to God, and charity.
After an application is received, a background check is performed and you will be contacted by two officers for a telephone interview. If accepted, one will serve one year as a serving brother or sister. This allows you and us to see if you are a good fit. The following year, if all goes well, you will be knighted. The passage fee is currently $700 (half payable when accepted as a serving brother/sister, the other half when knighted). (A Passage fee is a donation given by a newly dubbed knight in celebration of his investiture into the knighthood.)
Expressed Christian Beliefs
This Order of Chivalry was originally founded as a Christian Religious Order of Monastic / Militarism under the ancient Roman Catholic Church during the time of the Crusades in the Holy Land. Today the Order is ecumenical in structure; it is a combined Christian religious and secular Order, yet it does not require membership in the Roman Catholic or any other Christian-denomination church. It is also not a church or "religious movement." It simply requires that its members are baptized, professed Christians, accepting the teachings of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Spiritual Master.
The Order occasionally recognizes and honors persons who may be of other religious beliefs. However, no expressed nor professed non-Christian may be admitted to full regular membership within the Order.
The Order seeks and expects the highest of character from its membership: good moral character, preferably civically-active in their community, and / or active in charitable / philanthropic endeavors. Persons convicted of crimes or of questionable moral character may not be admitted within the Order.
Expectations of Members
We DO NOT have local 'chapters' that people can join. We are a national Order and anyone who wishes to become a member is required to attend our annual Investitures (currently held in Fort Worth, Texas.

How to be Considered for Membership into the Knights Templar of North America
To be considered for membership, you must complete a rigorous four step application process:
Step 1: The Applicant Curriculum Vitae must be completed. Please download the Applicant CV here.
Step 2: Once the application is complete, mail it to: OPCCTS - Great Preceptory, PO Box 274, Justin TX 76247 OR email your completed application here.
Step 3: A complete background investigation will be conducted on all applicants, therefore, a processing fee of $25 will be required of each applicant. We have the highest standards for ethics and morality. Therefore, not everyone who applies is invited to join. You may pay the application fee via the button below or a check made payable to OPCCTS accompanying the application.
Step 4: After your application is received and you pass your background check, you will be contacted by officers of the Order for a telephone interview.